Book Bites: Things You Must Read - Welcome to Night Vale

If you haven't heard of Welcome To Night Vale, then let me enlighten you.

It started life as a podcast in 2012 in the form of a radio show tailored to present the fictional news headlines of the town itself in the title.

Come 2015, the podcast credits itself with internet fame, so much so that the creators, Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, decided to write a novel based on the podcast.

The purpose of the novel is world-building, and gives all of the characters featured in Night Vale that we have heard of in the radio show their own time to get their own back-story.
The ideas of all the conspiracy theories coming to life is a fun one, and the authors explore this in great, vivid detail.

Even if you haven't heard the podcast, you can still heartily enjoy this book, but the prior knowledge of the setting and characters that inhabit Night Vale definitely heighten the experience.


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